I caught a fleeting glimpse
Of the glowing embers of tomorrow
Taking solace in the burning afterglow
Of the early morning breeze
Stiring the voice within to echo in the light:
There will
Always be another sea to swim and
Another star to wish upon

Dreams are only worth something if they are actively pursued. I have just pulled a big one from the sky and now my mind is spinning for what to do next. The past two years I have been focusing most of my energy into obtaining my teaching license. That has finally been realized and for now I have been reveling in the satisfaction. Almost four years ago I came to Hawaii with a backpack, a pair of running shoes and a smile. What a journey it has been. I had a dream to run, surf, wander, explore, climb trees, and sing songs of joy every day of my life and somehow make it work. I had no clue how to make it happen except by just doing it and not questioning myself.
I know of sea and mountains and love, have
Roamed the murky bottoms looking for truth and
Heard fools preaching from podiums
Knowing to let the words of the wind guide me
Never drinking wine from the cellars of discontent
Or squabbling with the birds at high noon
I said goodbye to fear and made it relinquish its grip years ago and have
Walked with the dawn through lonesome fields and
Waltzed with the night sky, sung with frogs and
Admired the strength of seedlings knowing
I’m just a drop of dew in the vast ocean
I heard a sound that came from a spring within
And felt it trickle through the silence as it was
Caressed by truth and seen in my dreams
Sung by all those who also heard and
Recognized as love
Love that engulfs itself
Love that is silent in a sea of sound
Love that is a beacon of light on a bleak night
Love that extends its hand blindly
Love that knows of sorrow and despair
And still laughs wildly
Love that bends in circles
Around and around and around
Love that sails the high seas
Love that smiles at everyone
Love that knows the night sky at 2am
Love that comes from the north, has seen the distant south
Ventured so far into the east as to
Come out in the west
Love that runs wild and
Love that runs free

That sound of love echoes at twilight and says:
"Complications have no use to someone
Who is flowing to the sea."
Following the ocean line
I will take what I know and
Let it paint me
With flames and bathe me in silence while I sit quietly
Eating apples on the cliffs and
Let the salty air
Seep into my bones knowing that
Sometimes it’s ok to look down
To know where to land